Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Busy, Busy!

I finished both afghans!

I LOVE how it turned out and I really love the Jiffy yarn--so soft. I ended up doing 3 rows of 4 and it is the perfect size for a car seat or stroller blanket. I single crocheted the squares together on the back w/chocolate and added a chocolate trim. It is very soft and I can't wait to give it to my friend this weekend.

This turned out well, but next time I do a granny square, I will use the same yarn throughout. I will also single crochet the squares together instead of sewing because it looks prettier. The lavender yarn looks gorgeous, but it was NOT fun to work with it. I'm finding that I really prefer working with thick and chunky yarns to thinner, silkier yarns. I'm debating about whipping up another 20 squares for it--adding a third row to each side so it is symmetrical. We'll see if Cassie parts with it long enough for me to do that!

I was going to start a striped afghan for Jamie using all the leftover yarns from my previous six afghans, but a friend sent me an intriguing email this morning and I may try my hand at a few granny square stool covers first. I also taught myself to knit on Monday and am itching to knit up a scarf. And maybe a fun fur bolero for Cassie...

My Mom was right thought. Knitting is WAY harder than crochet. I can knit and purl--anything other than that (cables, slip stitches) is beyond me right now. So I'm going to start small and see where it takes me...

It is the first time since February that I haven't had a crochet project in the works (six afghans since February), so I'm off to scrub toilets and do some hard-core cleaning!

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